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Namassumanjali to the dear Hindu brothers and sisters. We are born in this holy land, in the orthodox religion, by the merit of many births.
Many evil spirits are attacking our religion in various ways due to the influence of age. Poisonous propaganda and public criticism of the Vedas, Puranas, and the epic Ramayana Mahabharata have become commonplace in society today.
Due to the lack of unity among us, political parties are not in a position to think about the sentiments and welfare of Hindus. In the past, under such dire circumstances, great personalities like Shankara, Ramanuja and Swami Vivekananda carried the orthodox religion on their shoulders. The foundations of our virtue are still solid today as a result of their tireless efforts. Now we must not waste the efforts and sacrifices of those great men. With their inspiration we should all become like each other Shankara, Ramanuja, Vivekananda.

Even if we are not fortunate enough to take part in the freedom struggle, let us fulfill our birth by being partners in our defense.
It was with this determination that "Sivashakti" emerged on August 31, 2015. Unable to bear the sight of some organizations and individuals working on social media and in public meetings criticizing Hindu Dharma and insulting Hindu deities, he said,
The scriptures that distort the Hindu scriptures, such as "Jesus in the Vedas, the Prophet Muhammad in the Puranas, the Hindu Christianity, the Bhagavad Gita, the Trinitarian doctrine," also describe in detail the philosophy of the Sanatana Dharma scriptures, condemning them as being against "Siva Shakti". As part of this goal, open forums were organized in the presence of the public to spread false propaganda on spiritual texts, to inform the people of the truth contained in all religious texts and to motivate the people. For complete information you can search for karunakar sugguna or shivashakti on youtube and watch videos.
Apart from these, we are spreading the word about the generosity of our religion on social media and also conducting service activities during the festivals by raising awareness through pamphlets to the devotees in the temples.
The system has been set up to address the problems faced by Hinduism at the field level to further implement the above programs.
We sincerely invite you to join us in this great cause and to offer your supportive contributions. Our Shiv Shakti is meant to be a good platform for brothers and sisters to serve Matrudharma. Shiva Shakti adds to your energy in the protection of Sanatana Dharma.