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The structure of the Hindu economy 

The main purpose of building the Hindu economy is to make every financial transaction that Hindus do with fellow Hindus. This not only strengthens one another financially but also strengthens the solidarity among the local Hindus not only financially but also by establishing good relations with fellow Hindus by utilizing them for the daily services required in daily life.  


Apart from this, there is a possibility of bringing back the pagan-dominated areas into the hands of our Hindus by observing the areas where the number of Hindus is low and infiltrating Hindus into those areas. There is also the idea of setting up such small businesses with financial assistance by the organization by some poor Hindus without the ritual of buying flowers, fruits and other worship items required for the devotional rituals performed by the Hindus from pagans who have no concern for our deities. We strongly believe that this will lead to major changes in the society in the future.

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